Want an uninterrupted chat with your group on CB Radio?
You need PRESIDENT's FM CTCSS/DCS. This means you only hear signals you want in the group.
These CB radios can be used as normal to communicate on any of the 40 channels of AM/FM that pick-up signal from all users in range.
Any combination of our Randy II and Harrison radios can be enabled to communicate within off-road vehicle groups, construction crews, transport companies, and many other use cases where uninterrupted communication within the group is preferred.
However, if your goal is to listen to only signals from your group you can select any FM channel, enable a common CTCSS/DCS code and communicate within your group.
Enable a common CTCSS/DCS code and communicate within your group that comprises of PRESIDENT Randy and Harrison CB radios.
NOTE: Other CB users without CTCSS/DCS will not be able to communicate within your group. Only PRESIDENT Harrison and Randy CB radios will have this feature.