Is it "CB Radio" or "Two Way Radio?" Know the differences

May 29, 2023 by
Is it "CB Radio" or "Two Way Radio?" Know the differences
Expert Mobile Communications Ltd.

The fundamentals of Citizen Band (CB) radio operation bear similarities to those of a two-way radios. Both devices enable communication with others using public airwaves, yet certain situations may call for the preference of one over the other. In the following discussion, we will outline the key distinctions between the two communication devices.


CB Radio

Citizens Band (CB) radio operates on specific frequency bands designated for public use.

Two Way Radio

Two-way radios operate on various frequency bands, including: VHF, UHF, FRS (Family Radio Service) and GMRS (General Mobile Radio Service).


CB Radio

CB radios typically have a range of a few miles, making them suitable for short-range communication.

Two Way Radio

The range of two-way radios can vary depending on the output power and conditions, ranging from a few hundred feet to several miles.


CB Radio

CB radios operate on 40 shared channels, which means multiple users can access the same channel simultaneously.

Two Way Radio

They offer a wider range of channels, typically ranging from 16 to 1024 channels, depending on the model.


CB Radio

CB radios do not require a license to operate in many countries, including Canada.

Two Way Radio

Licensing requirements vary depending on the frequency band. UHF/VHF radios typically require an ISED (Innovation, Science and Economic Development) license, while FRS/GMRS radios do not require a license in many countries.

Some two-way radios can provide privacy through the use of privacy codes, allowing users to create private channels and avoid interference.


CB Radio

CB Radios offer the most basic features such as channel selection, volume control, and squelch adjustment.

Two Way Radio

Depending on the model and make, two-way radios offer more advanced features than CB radios, and functionalities such as weather alerts, GPS tracking, voice-activated communication, text messaging, and Bluetooth connectivity.


CB Radio

CB radios are popular among truckers, off-road enthusiasts, and recreational users.

Two Way Radio

They are commonly used in professional settings such as outdoor adventures, construction sites, event management, security teams, and businesses requiring secure communication.

Overall, the main differences between CB radios and two-way radios lie in their range, channels, licensing requirements, privacy options, and features. CB radios are simpler, with shorter range and shared channels, while two-way radios offer more versatility, range, privacy options, and advanced features suitable for professional applications.

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